Half a dozen members of New Fathers 4 Justice, an offshoot of the original campaign group for fathers’ rights, gathered in their trademark superhero costumes outside Bristol’s Old Vic Theatre in King Street.

Captain America, two Incredibles and Batman were among those holding banners and handing out leaflets to people going to see the play Suspension. Johnson, who became a household name after the success of Abba musical-turned-film Mamma Mia!, was inspired to write her new work after the Father’s 4 Justice protest on Clifton Suspension Bridge in 2004.
The demonstrators said they were there to support the play, and wanted to highlight the issue of fathers’ rights.
Roy Booth, aka Batman, is a 54-year-old father-of-two from Hotwells who works at the Citizens Advice Bureau. He said: “I joined New Fathers 4 Justice a year ago; this is to stand up for fathers who get a really raw deal in court.
“This play brings that to light, so we’re here to support it.”
The demo was attended by suspension bridge protest veterans Pat Lennon and Jason Hatch, the latter best known for his Buckingham Palace balcony protest five years ago.
Bristol coordinator and sales rep Nigel Ace, 41, of Clevedon said: “Dads only want the same right of access as mum’s latest boyfriend.
“Why is it that if a mother finds a new man, or any number of new men, they are presumed fine to be with your children from day one?
“They suffer no police checks, they make no court appearances, they simply move in.
“Meanwhile, the birth father has to go through family court hell to even gain limited access to the child or children that are his and who he loves. ‘
Last night’s demo was intended as a forerunner to a national campaign of direct action.
The group’s next appearance is due at a St Patrick’s Day march in Belfast next week.